Welcome to Connors Law Group
Connors Law Group is a law firm that advises whistleblowers who want to report anonymously information about corporate bribery, fraud, or corruption to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the U.S. Dodd-Frank Act and to collect the substantial rewards promised to the individual for reporting such information. CLG’s legal team works with its clients to prepare the submission to the SEC, to defend their rights to be anonymous, and to protect their promised reward under the Dodd-Frank Act. CLG consistently has secured record-breaking SEC whistleblower awards for its clients, including the largest SEC whistleblower award of 2022 (over $37 million) and one of the Top 5 highest awards of 2021 (over $28 million). Indeed, in just the past five years alone, CLG has secured for its whistleblower clients a total of over $100 million.
Recent News:
- CLG Wins $5+ Million for Multiple CLG Whistleblowers in 2024!
- CLG Wins $13+ Million for Multiple CLG Whistleblowers in 2023!
- CLG Wins $37+ Million for CLG Whistleblower Client (Dec. 19, 2022)!
- CLG Wins $7+ Million for Multiple Additional CLG Whistleblowers in 2021!
- CLG Wins $3.5 Million for CLG Whistleblower Client (Aug. 10, 2021)!
- CLG Wins $28+ Million for Single CLG Whistleblower Client (May 19, 2021)!
- CLG Wins $1.8 Million for CLG Whistleblower Client (Sep. 25, 2020)!
- CLG Wins $4.5 Million for CLG Whistleblower Cilent (Ma y 24, 2019)!
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